Saturday 5 September 2009

Birthday Day

It's my birthday today and the second one my babbie has been around for. Get a real thrill out of receiving cheesy Hallmark-style cards that say 'to mum' or 'to mummy' on. What can I say? Inside my hippy exterior there's a Disney-loving, magic weaving kiddie that loves all that stuff.

Darling Bobo (the man) made a super fry up for breakfast and Cloud stood next to me on the bench and snuggled in, giving lots of his special kisses. He could tell it was my special day!

I am enjoying a glass of champagne - yes, I know it's early in the morning, but this is my birthday indulgence.

My mum and brother arriving tonight, so will put something in the slow cooker, make sure we have enough wine, and line up the board games. My ideal birthday!

I read my tarot cards last night. I used to do this a lot but haven't touched them for well over a year or so. A lot of stuff came up, although it's always hard to objectively read your own cards. There was definitely a part about the future bringing female friendship and a new creative venture via communication tool. So I'm thinking, perhaps this blog? I really do crave contact with some other like-minded mothers out there, and some of the blogs I've been reading are really engaging and inspiring - I particularly like The Carried Family.

Thursday 3 September 2009

Ducks, yoghurt and crystal healing

Fed ducks again today, by the canal - my new favourite 'sacred spot', more or less untred by folk, apart from the odd walker / worker on a lunch break / cyclist / bunking off schoolkid / rival duck feeder. And of course the odd barge, using the lock. They have their work cut out - 72 locks on 20 miles of this small stretch of canals...

Cloud is spooning yoghurt as fast as he can. A great distraction from my box of crystal points that I use for healing work and he uses as missiles (friendly fire - directed at table legs and walls).

Yesterday I taught him his colours and he will now fetch the 'yellow ball', 'blue ball', 'green ball', 'red ball'.

I'm bored of those days that no matter how many coffees I drink (had two), I can't get going.

I need more ideas for activities to do at home. Or at least some ways to make play dough more interesting...

Wednesday 2 September 2009

Amazing Play

Just got back from an amazing mother and baby club session. Once again I am reminded of the utter humility, grace and gratitude I feel at seeing my little beloved Cloud play and seeing the pure joy on his face when we sing his favourite songs.

When he reaches round to stroke my face or grab my hand to make sure that I am joining in the fun, I am reminded that all souls start out this way - loving and utterly benevolent and so compassionate. And yes - so utterly joyful and scampful and full of life's energy.

How blessed I am to undergo this journey of motherhood with him.

I am really hoping to connect with other families through this blog that also want to tread a heartfelt path of parenthood. I am finding, through google, lots of terms for this: Kanagroo parenting, attachment parenting, green parenting. I think they probably all mean the same, undefinable act of trying to connect with your child on their own amazing level.

I have been trying to think of ways to open up Cloud to spiritual lessons, to nurture the spirit that already exists within him. We have been doing blessings of our food with him since he was born, with quite a few lapses. Last week I started going through the chakra points with him, and yesterday told him to open his wings and fly - which he likes.

I'm not trying to force any mindset on him and am just looking for all different ways to expose him to spirituality...